
you belong with me歌词 完整版歌词知识介绍

更新时间:2023-10-10 20:08:29

导读 目前关于大家提出的you belong with me歌词 完整版歌词这个问题,大家都希望能够得到一个答案,那么小编今天就去收集了一些you bel...

目前关于大家提出的you belong with me歌词 完整版歌词这个问题,大家都希望能够得到一个答案,那么小编今天就去收集了一些you belong with me歌词 完整版歌词相关的内容来分享给大家,如果大家感兴趣的话可以接着往下看。


Youre on the phone with your girlfriend ,shes upset.你正和女朋友打着电话 她听起来并不开心

Shes going off about something that you said似乎是因为你说的不合时宜的玩笑

Cause she doesnt, get your humor like I do...可是她不像我一般 理解你的幽默

Im in the room我坐在自己的房间

Its a typical Tuesday night又是一个普通平凡的周二夜晚

Im listening to the kind of music she doesnt like我的耳机里放着她不感兴趣的音乐

and shell never know your story like I do ...而她也永远不会如我一般了解你

But she wears short skirts她喜欢穿性感的短裙

I wear T-shirts而我只是朴素的T恤

1Shes cheer captain她是耀眼的啦啦队队长

1And Im on the bleachers而我只是观众席中不起眼的一个

1Dreaming about the day when you wake up做着自己的梦 幻想有一天 你醒来会发现

1And find that what youre looking for has been here the whole time会发现你一直在寻找的人 其实从不遥远 就在你的身边

1If you could see that Im the one who understands you如果你愿意就能看见啊 我才是真正理解你的人

1been here all along so why cant you see,我一直默默在你身边 为何你不愿回头看见

1you belong with m我希望你能够和我在一起

1You belong with me我私心以为你应该和我一起

1Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans你穿着那条破旧的牛仔裤和我并肩走在街上

20、I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be我不由得在脑海里描绘憧憬的景象

2Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上独自傻笑 每每假想我们在一起

2Hey isnt this easy嘿 难道这不是很容易吗

2And youve got a smile that could light up this whole town你微微一笑 便是点亮我心里城镇的光亮

2I havent seen it in a while since she brought you down可是自从你们分手 已是许久不再见到你的笑容

2You say youre fine你说 我体贴温和

2I know you better than that你终于发现我比她了解你

2Hey what you doing with a girl like that那么你会对这样的一个女孩做些什么

2She wears high heels她偏爱穿高跟鞋

2I wear sneakers而我穿着平底运动鞋

30、She’s cheer captain and她是耀眼的啦啦队队长

3Im on the bleachers而我只是观众席中不起眼的一个

3Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find做着自己的梦 幻想有一天 你醒来会发现

3That what youre looking for has been here the whole time会发现你一直在寻找的人 其实从不遥远 就在你的身边

3If you could see that Im the one who understands you如果你愿意就能看见啊 我才是真正理解你的人

3Been here all along so why cant you see我一直默默在你身边 为何你不愿回头看见

3ou belong with me你的心本应属于我

3Standing by waiting at your back doo我一直都在站在你家后门 静静地等候着

3all this time how could you not know Baby....为何你不曾察觉我的真心 亲爱的

3You belong with me我希望你能够和我在一起

40、You belong with me我私心以为你应该和我一起

4Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night我还记午夜你驾车来到我家

4Im the one who makes you laugh当你感觉内心的悲伤无以复加时

4When you know youre about to cry是我逗你开怀 为你抹去泪水

4I know your favorite songs我甚至知道你最喜爱的歌曲

4And you tell me about your dreams你会与我分享你未来的蓝图与梦想

4I think I know where you belong我想 我知道你何去何从 你的归宿

4I think I know its with me.我私心以为 应当是和我一起

4Cant you see that Im the one who understands you我一直默默在你身边 为何你不愿回头看见

4Been here all along一直默默地关注着你

50、So why cant you see为何你不愿回头看见

5You belong with me你的心本应属于我

5Standing by waiting at your back door我一直都在站在你家后门 静静地等候着

5All this time一直如此 不曾离去

5How could you not know为何你不曾察觉我的真心

5Baby you belong with me亲爱的 你的心本应属于我

5You belong with me我希望你能够和我在一起

5You belong with me我私心以为你应该和我一起

5Have you ever thought just maybe不知你是否这样想过 或许只是我一厢情愿

5you belong with me我希望你能够和我在一起

60、You belong with me...我私心以为你应该和我一起

本文you belong with me歌词 完整版歌词到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。
